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Destress Your Podcast with Liz Carlile

Uncategorized Mar 10, 2021

In this episode, Chase interviews Liz Carlile, a Corporate Wellness Consultant and the host of Motherhood Unstressed, a parenting and spirituality podcast. Her podcast is for people (mainly mothers) looking forward to up-level their life to find some more balance and help them in that process. Anyone looking to stress less in their lives and bring more purpose and joy would love tuning in to their show!

It was Gary Vee's talks, Liz says, that got her attracted to the world of podcasts. It was a means for her to grow and uplift others, all at the same time! While studying to become a health coach at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, she wanted to have a platform to share what they were communicating with her at the Institute. She felt more and more women would benefit from hearing it too. Learn today how she continues to work on her shows herself, the opportunities she had received because of her podcast, and why she would recommend you to start one if you want to!

If you're a parent, a mom, a dad, or someone who's looking to just become unstressed in this adulting life with little ones, check out their show for sure!


Key Timestamps:

[03:27]- Liz shares why she decided to start podcasting

[05:27]- Liz talks about how she could start with her podcast

[09:46]- How has Motherhood Unstressed helped Liz increase her social media presence?

[12:23]- The new opportunities that have happened directly because of Liz's podcast

[13:47]- How do you go about in a strategic manner instead of just hoping someone says yes, or reaching for guests or brands on your podcast?

[18:21]- Liz introduces her show and says what it is about

[18:53]- Liz's advice for anyone new to the podcasting space



"If you have this sense of curiosity about the world, if you love to learn, you know, there are ways to do that now, and you can uplift others in the process. I think that's what's so attractive about podcasting."

"It's all of those little detailed things that as creatives you don't necessarily love to have to obsess over."

"You know your guest, you know your audience better than anyone, so you can really serve them by doing the grunt work, and you know, the more you do it, I'm sure you're laser fast at it now it's like nothing."

"You can't go wrong, you'll have so much fun with it, and you're gonna make mistakes, but that's part of it. And you can laugh at yourself, and learn and keep going. And then when you look back, and you see how far you've come, you'll be so proud of yourself. I promise you."


Episode resources:

  • Save 30% on either our introductory Level 101 course or Level 201 to learn everything you need to successfully record, edit, launch, and monetize your podcast with code OPNATION30 at https://www.operationpodcast.com/store 


Connect with Liz:

Instagram: @motherhoodunstressed
Website: https://www.motherhoodunstressed.com/ 


Connect with Us:

Instagram: @operationpodcast and @chase_chewning

Website: www.operationpodcast.com 


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